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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Meiosis Video

The Video of meiosis shows different stages of sexual reproduction. Gametes, which are cells such as sperm or egg cells, undergo meiosis to create another copy of the organism. It will not be an exact copy, all of these will be individual, except for under certain conditions such as twins, but they will have half their chromosomes from their mother and half from their father.

Monday, March 3, 2014

The Ezell Twins

The Ezell family had the pleasant surprise of twin boys, but with some worry they went into their ultrasound. At the ultrasound, the mother noticed the babies were sitting oddly and asked the nurse if they were conjoined. The nurse told her she believes they are and awaited to see the doctor, in tears. Her and her husband, Dave, were told that the babies shared a liver and both have holes in their hearts which could correct themselves. Other than that, all there limbs and organs were in check. Given the option of abortion up to 20 weeks, and her being 17 weeks pregnant, they had a hard choice to make because the babies survival rate was 5%.  They decided that they would try to keep the babies and went on with the pregnancy. After they were born, the family continued to the surgery and the babies were separated successfully and to this day live well under some life support systems such as respirators, which they hope to out grow someday. 

From the scientific point of view, the mutation was caused because when the fertilized egg splits into two, there are eight to twelve days that are spent in this separation process. In this case, that is what happened and it happens because the like cells, and DNA in the cells where they are conjoined, connect because they are so similar within the separation process.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Cells Cells - Parts of the Cell Rap

Found at

The Origin of Genes

What is DNA?

Journal-Week 2

February 11th-13th,
Learning Target: Structure and Function of DNA
Demonstration of my Learning: I learned what DNA is, where to find it, how it functions, and the pros and cons of DNA identification. We also went over different aspects of science and terms of cells and such. We have worksheets of labelling cells and identifying science professions, as well as notes from what we were taught.

Journal-Week 1

February 3rd,
Learning Target: Demonstrate Safety Procedures
Demonstration of my Learning: I learned safety procedures, cautionary symbols, and where safety tools and materials are around the room. We created a map and filled out a worksheet to demonstrate.

February 4th,
Learning Target: Experiments Using Scientific Method
Demonstration of my Learning: We reviewed how to make a graph of data, how to control your lab, and to look at different variables and controls in your lab.

February 5th/6th,
Learning Target: Represent and Interpret Information in Graphic Form
Demonstration of my Learning: We learned how to make a graph and answer questions to do with a lab and data given to us. I have a graph of data and a worksheet of answered questions from a lab of growing flowers under different colours of light.

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